Wednesday, January 19, 2011


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Fetrula (Hakalan Airlines:1)

Wetana zu Fetrula! Everyone speaks Hakalan here, so speak along with the rest of them. There are beautiful cities here. go explore! Shito!

Hakalan Basics

Wetana zu Hakalan! This is Hakalan. You will find a lot of Hakalan words, so look in the Hakalan Dictionary. when you go to an place that says Hakalan Airlines, visit Hakalan Airlines before you go. Those are the basics. Go of and explore now! Shito!

Hakalan Dictionary

Sentence Connectors

Un: on

Le: the

Ge: go

Re: are

Po: for

Et: is

Es: is

Fure: off

Hata: who

Tap’e: don’t

Con: about

Me: my

Es: is

Eskala: especially

De: of

Dan: end

Bet: what

Alo: should

Aton: into

Hath: have

Keet: may

Shin: soon

Eskala: especially

Qui: oh

Tu’re: you’re

Clo: not

Tapare: supposed

Zu: to

Lem: get

Ni: yes

Niy: no

Semu: why

Heme: where

Slom: how


Shitasan: animal

Felamon: cat

Kika: dog

Repal: bird


Ved: food

Mangolo: mango

Apele: food served at Apruce Festival


Syulo: color

Reen: red

Orila: orange

Yikon: yellow

Shula: green

Do: blue

Papalon: purple

Taya: pink

Sipon: alone

Geri: big


Solo: angry

Eka: happy

Syo: sad

Eto: confused

Mot: sick

Pruate: rotten


Li: 1

Ta: 2

Fo: 3

No: 4

Tek: 5

Nop: 6

Tyu: 7

Sa: 8

Ro: 9

Zil: 0

Shano: year(s)

Lino: old

Our Earth

Erallya: earth

Wasita: land

Akaton: water

Shoteen: sun

Liat: light

Yat: bright

Special Days

Shanorano: birthday

Shikana: 20th birthday

Aprecuca: summer festival

Kralo: Christmas


Jandon: Jan.

Fonolalia: Feb.

Mikana: Mar.

Aprona: Apr.

Malon: May.

Jino: Jun.

Jonala: July.

Agoto: Aug.

Siponala: Sep.

Oconalo: Oct.

Nelono: Nov.

Demerosa: Dec.

Binola: favorite


Patet: people

Gana: boy

Siy: girl

Bono: brother

Faya: friends

Siyal: sister

Loyala: love

Tina: mother

Sado: father

Akatina: grandmother

Akasado: grandfather

Tala: best

Greetings and Farewells

Glamaru: welcome

Tiola: hello

Tio: hi

Shito: goodbye

Jeti: later

Nice Words

Kwika: care(s)

Tolo maru: thank you

Bochina: beautiful

Zay: please


Dino: day

Ras: hour

Mitu: minute

Tapat: time

Valo: clock


Sheenato: sunny

Zon: rainy

Fika: snowy

Soon: windy

Fol: hot

Sit: cold

Florin: flower

Wal: want

Metu: merry


Putiyao: Queen of cats on earth

Kalute ma Sruti: Queen of cats on Sku de le Felamons

Sku: sky

Sku de le Felamons: Sky of the cats

Body Parts

Gle: eye

Co: ear

Wa: nose

Piquele: whisker

Pe: mouth

Kele: fur

Neru: neck

Taru: arm

Kepo: leg

Beto: body

Tezu: tail

Glet: see, look

Cor: hear, listen

Vede: eat

Naki: walk

Canto: heart


Ezeno: avenue

Leko: lane

Hezipa: highway

Naka: street

Cabana: house

Terepo: apartment

Mari: ocean

Sona: shore

Ban: beach

Ompo: island

Weripa: city

Fetrula: capital of Hakalan


Getoi: going

Dra: spill

Kwa: fall

Vede: eat

Sama: walk

Saoti: run


Jaf: couch

Cavion: television

Tefin: phone

Tefin safan: cellular phone

Ja: chair

Thwale: hardware

Hakalan Airlines

Wetana zu le Hakalan Airlines! This is how you travel to the places that say Hakalan Airlines. This will tell you how to do it: If there is a place that says Hakalan Airlines, come here. The number beside the sign that says Hakalan Airlines says how many minutes you stay on the plane. So, go on now go to your destination! Shito!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hakalan Winter Tour

Tiola, passengers! I am your guide, Necki Rocla. Thank you for riding on our tour. First we will pass the famous landmark, the statue of Putiyao,(1) queen of cats on earth. While we are riding, let me tell you about Putiyao. Putiyao is a cat who is adopted, not born. Whenever one Putiyao goes, another one takes her place. The current Putiyao lives at the Pine House. Now we are on the road along the beach.(2) Beautiful scenery, huh? Looks like its snowing again. Here we pass the the sacred place of Kalute ma Sruti, queen of Sku de le Felamons.(3) Well, looks like it's time to leave. See you next time!

Hakalan Stories and Legends

The Legend of Kalute ma Sruti

Kalute ma Sruti is the queen of the cats in Sku de le Felamons. Kalute was a kind and beautiful cat and when she died, she had her own place in the sky because she was so kind. But that same kindness is what made her want to share it. Whenever a cat dies, Kalute always has a place for it in Sku de le Felamons.

The Legend of Putiyao

Putiyao is a cat who rules over all the cats on earth. She is a kind, wise and beautiful cat. She must be gentle and calm. When Putiyao dies, the ruler must adopt another. She must choose carefully. She must choose one that she sees fit to rule the cats. When Putiyao was adopted, she was a shy cat. but as she grew older, she became wiser and kinder and her coat became fuller. When Putiyao dies, she is seated next to the great Kalute ma Sruti.

The Small One

Once there was a litter of kittens. A perfectly normal litter, except for one. One was unusually small. He was named Sepu. Sepu hardly grew at all, but despite that, he was very healthy. He had been playing with his friend Beetle when they tumbled down a steep hill. "Oh," said Sepu, "where are we?' "I do not know," said Beetle, "let us ask Ant." So they went to the anthill. "Hello Ant, " said Beetle, "do you know where we are?" "I do not know," said Ant, "let us ask Mole." So the three traveled together and found Mole. "Hello Mole," said Ant, "do you know where we are?" "I do not know," said Mole "let us ask the great Kalute ma Sruti." So they traveled on and on until they got to Kalute's sacred place. "Hello great Kalute ma Sruti," said Sepu, "do you know where we are?" "Yes," she said, and they started to spin they spun and spun and then they stopped. "I know where we are!" said Sepu, "I am home!" Then they all went to have a picnic with all of the cats and Mole's and Ant's and Beetle's favorite foods.