Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hakalan Stories and Legends

The Legend of Kalute ma Sruti

Kalute ma Sruti is the queen of the cats in Sku de le Felamons. Kalute was a kind and beautiful cat and when she died, she had her own place in the sky because she was so kind. But that same kindness is what made her want to share it. Whenever a cat dies, Kalute always has a place for it in Sku de le Felamons.

The Legend of Putiyao

Putiyao is a cat who rules over all the cats on earth. She is a kind, wise and beautiful cat. She must be gentle and calm. When Putiyao dies, the ruler must adopt another. She must choose carefully. She must choose one that she sees fit to rule the cats. When Putiyao was adopted, she was a shy cat. but as she grew older, she became wiser and kinder and her coat became fuller. When Putiyao dies, she is seated next to the great Kalute ma Sruti.

The Small One

Once there was a litter of kittens. A perfectly normal litter, except for one. One was unusually small. He was named Sepu. Sepu hardly grew at all, but despite that, he was very healthy. He had been playing with his friend Beetle when they tumbled down a steep hill. "Oh," said Sepu, "where are we?' "I do not know," said Beetle, "let us ask Ant." So they went to the anthill. "Hello Ant, " said Beetle, "do you know where we are?" "I do not know," said Ant, "let us ask Mole." So the three traveled together and found Mole. "Hello Mole," said Ant, "do you know where we are?" "I do not know," said Mole "let us ask the great Kalute ma Sruti." So they traveled on and on until they got to Kalute's sacred place. "Hello great Kalute ma Sruti," said Sepu, "do you know where we are?" "Yes," she said, and they started to spin they spun and spun and then they stopped. "I know where we are!" said Sepu, "I am home!" Then they all went to have a picnic with all of the cats and Mole's and Ant's and Beetle's favorite foods.

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